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News > College News > The Pangbourne Classic Car Show 2024

The Pangbourne Classic Car Show 2024

A fantastic day was enjoyed by both exhibitors and visitors alike when over 300 vehicles gathered on the College campus for the annual Classic Car Show
5 Jun 2024
Written by Sue Carpenter
College News
Giles Fuchs
Giles Fuchs

On Saturday 1st June, a cavalcade of classic vehicles arrived at the College for the annual Classic Car Show.  There was a vehicle to interest everyone from vintage cars to modern classics, military vehicles and motorcycles.  A number of OPs exhibited their vehicles including Giles Fuchs  (1978 - 1983) and his stunning 1970 E Type Jaguar and another Jaguar lover, Robin Batt (1961 - 1964) with his 1962 Jaguar Mk2 Saloon.  There was some consternation when an AA van arrived but everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they realised it was actually one of the exhibits.

This years show seemed busier than ever,  visitors were entertained with live music, there was also the opportunity to take a ride in some beautiful cars or even purchase one at the Fine Car Auction.  The refreshment stands did a roaring trade as did the Pangbourne Parents Association who sold PPA merchandise including the popular Pangbournian Spirit Gin and Rum.   

Proceeds from the show will go to the charities which we support, which are Footsteps Foundation based in Dorchester upon Thames and the Pangbourne Community Fund.

To get a flavour of the day, take a look at the photo gallery below.


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